Bassel Daher, Ph.D.

Water–energy–food nexus: a platform for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals

This high- level panel was partially supported by the Texas A&M WEF Nexus Initiative, BMZ, European Union, and respective co-author institutions (American University of Beirut, OCP Policy Center, University of Zaragoza, Global Environmental Facility, Circle of Blue, Stockholm Environment Institute, National Scientific and Technical Research Council, International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, World Bank, and […]

Complexity versus simplicity in water energy food nexus (WEF) assessment tools

Approaching water, energy, and food, as interconnected system of systems, as an alternative to traditional silo-based resources planning and management approaches continues to fall short of expectations of its research-backed benefits. The lack of nexus applications in policy and decision making can be related to numerous factors, with the main barrier being the complex nature […]

Water-Energy-Food-Health Solutions & Innovations for Low-Carbon, Climate-Resilient Drylands

Primary resources gaps facing dryland, including access to water, food, energy, nutrition, and health care, are expected to increase with demographic, political, and climatic changes. These highly interlinked primary resources carry high risk and vulnerability. Disentangling these to better understand the complex system of systems they represent is crucial and requires multi-disciplinary work that includes […]

Towards bridging the water gap in Texas: A water-energy-food nexus approach

The 2017 Texas Water Development Board’s State Water Plan predicts a 41% gap between water demand and existing supply by 2070. This reflects an overall projection, but the challenge will affect various regions of the state differently. Texas has 16 regional water planning zones characterized by distinct populations, water demands, and existing water supplies. Each […]

Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Towards Knowledge Synthesis, Action Prioritization and Revitalization of Security Debates

The Water-Energy-Food nexus (WEF nexus) has emerged as a colossal environmental debate on how to improve the sustainability and resilience of resource systems. This debate has been inclusive of different disciplines and methodological approaches that have improved our understanding of the tight interconnectedness between the resource systems, and have highlighted the need for great coordination […]

Special Issue “Urban Drainage Systems”


Increased population growth and, in many areas, uncontrolled urbanization, have led to increased imperviousness in cities across the world. This has resulted in an upsurge of urban flooding and the impairment of waterbodies due to increased stormwater flow rate, peak flow, and total volumes draining into streams, lakes, and estuaries. It has also resulted in […]


The interconnection of water, energy, and food resources is complex, with the availability of these resources increasingly stressed by climatic, social, political, economic, demographic, technologic, and other pressures. Addressing these challenges requires a better understanding of the nexus formed by the interconnections between the resources. On January 10, 2018, the Texas A&M University System WaterEnergy-Food […]