Bassel Daher, Ph.D.


  1. Executive Board Member, International Water Resources Association (IWRA), 2022-Present

  2. Co-Chair, Zero Hunger Pathways Project, Sustainable Development Solutions Network, 2020-2023

    1. Co-leading a working group of national food and nutrition security academics aimed at creating evidence-based policy recommendations toward zero hunger in the U.S.; organizing a dialogue series

    2. Recommendations to the WHITE HOUSE Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health

    3. Recommendations to the UN Food Systems Summit 2021

    4. Zero Hunger Pathways Dialogue Series


  3. Chair, Early Career & Young Professionals Task Force, IWRA, 2020-2022

    1. Leading a global team of young water professionals and delivering a Virtual Global Water Networking Café and a webinar series showcasing interdisciplinary and intergenerational research on water and climate change

  4. Steering Committee Member, WEF Nexus in Africa, 2020-2022

  5. Vice President, American Water Works Association, Texas A&M University Chapter, 2017-2018

  6. President, Biological & Agricultural Engineering Graduate Student Association, Texas A&M, 2016-2017


  1. Associate Editor, Frontiers in Sustainability, Resilience 2022-Present

  2. Review Editor, Frontiers in Environmental Systems Engineering 2022-Present

  3. Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Water and Human Systems 2021-Present

  4. Guest Associate Editor, Frontiers in Environmental Economics and Management 2021-Present

  5. Proposal Reviewer, The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Seed Grant Program, Colombia-USA Alliance 2022

  6. Judge, Texas A&M Postdoctoral Research Symposium 2021

  7. Volunteer, Brazos County Vaccination Hub, College Station, Texas 2021

  8. Scientific Committee, International Water Resources Association Annual Conference 2021

  9. Scientific Committee, Int’l Conference for Sust. Development, Columbia University 2019-21

  10. Reviewer, high-impact journals, including: Resources, Conservation & Recycling, Environmental Research Letters, Journal of Cleaner Production, Sustainability, Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, Jurimetrics, Environment Systems & Decisions

  11. Judge, The Raymond Ideas Challenge, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University 2019

  12. Judge, Capstone Projects, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering 2016-2018

  13. Young Scientific Program Committee Member, World Water Week 2016, Stockholm, Sweden 2016

  14. Best Poster Judge, Stockholm World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden 2016


  1. 50th Anniversary Special Award, International Water Resources Association, XVII World Water Congress, Daegu, South Korea. Dec 2021

  2. 2019 Research Excellence Award, Biological & Agricultural Engineering Department, Texas A&M University. Apr 2019

  3. Graduate Student Research and Presentation Travel Awards, Office of Graduate and Professional Studies, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA. Received 5 travel grants to present at national and international conferences ($500 each). Aug 2016 – May 2018

  4. Texas A&M Water Management and Hydrological Sciences (WMHS) Scholarship Award, Granted for three consecutive years ($1000 per year). Aug 2015 – May 2018

  5. Best Paper Award, International Conference for Sustainable Development, Columbia University, New York, USA. The Role of WEF Nexus in Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Morocco. Sept 2017

  6. Montgomery Award, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA. Recognizing student leaders making major contributions to academic opportunities and the quality of life of their fellow graduate students at Texas A&M University ($1000). May 2017

  7. Best Poster Award, First Place, Water Daze, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA. Towards Bridging the Water Gap in Texas. Apr 2016

  8. UNICEF and Beirut Human Rights Film Festival. Second place for a short documentary on “Child Labor in Lebanon”. Oct 2008