Bassel Daher, Ph.D.

Current and Past Appointments

Research & Engagement Experience

Assitant Director for Sustainable Development | Sep 2024 – Present
Research Scientist | Sep 2023 – Aug 2024
Assistant Research Scientist  | Feb 2020 – Aug 2023
Texas A&M Energy Institute
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
  • Leading the co-development of bottom-up, stakeholder driven, interdisciplinary research in thematic areas related to sustainable development, water-energy-food-migration nexus, food system transformation, and equitable energy transition 

  • Leading and contributing to the development of large interdisciplinary proposals with cross-functional national and international experts and external stakeholders, while currently serving on 5 active federally funded projects (NSF and NIH) with thematic areas ranging from improving coastal communities’ resilience, soil and climate change, sustainable food systems, and operating securely through 5G networks 

  • Managing and building partnerships across government, civil society, private sector, and academia, while leading and contributing to the development of large interdisciplinary proposals with cross-functional national and international experts and external stakeholders

Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, USA
May 2020 - Present

  • Collaborating on interdisciplinary research projects and proposals related to circular food systems and zero waste circular economies

  • Co-instructing graduate course: “Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Toward Sustainable Resource Allocation”

  • Advising a capstone project team to develop an ESG strategy for a toll manufacturer of specialty chemicals and lubricant additives in Houston, TX

Research Fellow
Institute for Science Technology & Public Policy
Bush School of Government & Public Service
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, USA
Sep 2019 - Present

  • Conducting research related to the social and public policy dimensions of water-energy-food-health nexus challenges, transitioning to resilient agricultural systems, transforming energy systems, and designing climate-resilient coupled human-coastal infrastructure

Research Associate
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Research Group
Department of Biological & Agricultural Engineering
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, USA
Aug 2014 - Jan 2020

  • Conducted research focused on addressing the biophysical, socio-economic, governance, and public policy dimensions of interconnected water, energy, and food system challenges across different global resource hotspots; resulting in 26 peer-reviewed contributions and in receiving the 2019 departmental Research Excellence Award

  • Led multidisciplinary teams; conducted knowledge-sharing and inclusive engagement workshops bringing together governmental, private, and civil society stakeholders to discuss resource allocation challenges, cross-institutional cooperation, and legislative harmonization

Project Coordinator
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Initiative
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX, USA
Aug 2016 - Dec 2018

  • Led an interdisciplinary group of 15 researchers with focus areas including water-energy-food systems modeling, trade-off analysis tool development, and resource governance
  • Co-organized stakeholder engagement workshops bringing together public, private, and civil society stakeholders to discuss resource allocation challenges in San Antonio, Texas
  • Coordinated the development of two Special Issues in Current & Sustainable Energy Reports and Science of the Total Environment

Research Associate
Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI)
Qatar Foundation Research & Development
Doha, Qatar
Jun 2012 - Jul 2014

  • Developed a decision support tool (Water-Energy-Food Nexus Tool 2.0) to aid Qatari government officials in evaluating the sustainability of different national food security scenarios; tool was highlighted in FAO’s Report “Walking the Nexus Talk” and cited >300 times in academic and non-academic literature

  • Analyzed complex data from national databases and communicated the trade-offs associated with different scenarios through liaising with key actors and national stakeholders

Research Assistant
Department of Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Purdue University
Indiana, USA
Aug 2010 - May 2012

  • Conducted research on multiple projects related to environmental sustainability, natural resource management, and decision-support tools development

Undergraduate Researcher
Center for Civic Engagement and Community Service
American University of Beirut
Beirut, Lebanon
Oct 2009 - Jun 2010

  • Project title: Civil and infrastructural upgrade of an informal setting in Sabra area, Beirut

Research and Engagement projects

2020-2024 | 11 funded projects | $7,918,711

Ongoing funded projects

1.  Co-PIGlobal Center on Climate Change and Water Energy Food Health Systems, National Institutes for Health, $1,173,517 (2023-2026) – Project Number: 1P20TW012709-01

2. Senior Personnel, AccelNet-Design: Soil and Land Management for Food & Water Security, Adaption and Mitigation to Climate Change, National Science Foundation, $249,968 (2022-2024) – Award Number:2201335 | Project webpage

3. Senior Personnel,  AccelNet-Implementation: US-Africa Sustainable Food Systems through Water-Energy- Food Nexus Networking (SustainFood), National Science Foundation, $2,000,000 (2022-2027) – Award Number:2201446 | Project webpage

4.  Senior Personnel,  NSF Engines: Type I: The Permian Energy Technology and Resilience Alliance (PETRA): Expanding Resilience of Energy Communities through Technology and Social Research, National Science Foundation, $1,000,000 (2023-2024) – Award Number: 2303637 

5. Co-PI, Development of the Framework for the Governance of the Water Energy Nexus in Jordan, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) – (2022-2023)

Past projects

6.  Senior Personnel,  NSF Convergence Accelerator Track G: PETS: Programmable Zero-Trust Security for Operating Through 5G Infrastructure, NSF Convergence Accelerator, National Science Foundation$750,000 (2022-2023) – Award Number:2226339

7. Collaborator, INFEWS/T3: Decision Support for Water Stressed FEW Nexus Decisions (DS-WSND), National Science Foundation, $2,431,217 (2017-2023) – Award Number:1739977 | Project webpage

8. Senior Personnel, SRS-RN: Integrated Food, Energy, Water Units for Disaster Resilient Sustainable Regional Systems, National Science Foundation, $149,529 (2021-2022) – Award Number:2115442 | Project webpage

9. Co-PI, A projection Tool based on the Water, Energy, Food Nexus and Migration interdependencies – towards a Migration Index. Texas A&M Energy Institute Seed Grants Program. $15,000 (2020-2021).

10. Co-PI, Pilot Study on Evapotranspiration and Trade-offs in the Water-Energy Food Nexus in Bekaa Valley in Lebanon. UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). $99,480 (2019-2020).

11. Co-PI, FORWARD: Toward Resilient and Food Secure Communities in the Face of Global Threats. Texas A&M Global Engagement Grants. $50,000 (2020-2022).

Other projects

Teaching Experience

Visiting Lecturer | Texas A&M Energy Institute, College Station, TX, USA | April 2023

  • Course: ICPE 631: Sustainability Considerations In Energy, offered to Master of Science in Energy students

Co-Instructor | Texas A&M Energy Institute, College Station, TX, USA | Feb – April 2023

  • Course:  ICPE 610  The Global Energy Future, offered to Master of Science in Energy students

Co-Instructor | Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA | Jan – May 2022

  • Course: CVEN/BAEN 642 Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Toward Sustainable Resource Allocation offered to Civil Engineering and Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Teaching Assistant | Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA | Jan 2017 – May 2020

  • Assisted with the design and delivery of the course “Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Toward Sustainable Resource Allocation”. The course is cross-listed in multiple engineering and interdisciplinary programs at Texas A&M University

Teaching Assistant | Global Engineering Program, Purdue University, IN, USA | Aug 2010 – Jun 2011

  • Led a Global Design Team of graduate and undergraduate students from multiple disciplines, who proposed and delivered designs for a water harvesting system to a low-income urban community in Beirut, Lebanon

Teaching Assistant | Global Policy Research Institute, Purdue University, IN, USA | Jan – May 2011

  • Mentored a group of 20 students in the course “Global Policy Issues” which focused on understanding global challenges including water, food, cyber, and energy securities

Students advised

  1. Sai Kapalayam (Ongoing). Toward evidence-based decision making for improved sustainability and resilience of urban communities: Localizing UN SDGs in San Antonio, Texas. Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Engineering. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

  2. Rasha Hassan (Ongoing). Bridging science and policy: Toward advancing water and food security under climate change stresses in the Eastern Mediterranean. Ph.D. in Geography, Land Planning, and Environmental Management. The University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

  3. Ola Ezzedine (2024).National Strategies in Lebanon:  A Scenario-Based Assessment of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Technical University of Munich, Germany

  4. Kyle Wilson (2024). Using WEF Nexus methodology to analyze hypertension in Jordan. Master of Energy. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

  5. Thomas Machetti (2023). Investigating the Feasibility of Engaging the Catholic Community of San Antonio, TX in Sustainable Interventions. Master of Biological and Agricultural Engineering. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
  6. Mohammad Nahidul Karim (2020). Evaluating the potential of adopting a water-energy-food nexus approach toward sustainable development: A case study from Bangladesh. Master of Energy. Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA
  7. Bakhtibeki Otambekzoda (2019). Investigating the relation between climate change and conflict in Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Tajikistan. Master of Arts in Politics and Security Programme. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

  8. Mirsaid Uzakov (2019). Evaluating the role of governance on drinking water and sanitation management: The case of Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan. Master of Arts in Politics and Security Programme. Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Academy, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan